Chocks: Archaeology Process

Monday, January 4, 2021

Archaeology Process

Archaeology Process

  1. Archaeological Investigation Techniques
  2. Processing of Archaeological Findings 
  3. Archaeological Research Analysis
Archaeological Investigation Techniques

1. Desktop Survey 
2. Airborne Remote Sensing
3. Analytical Earthwork Survey
4. Geophysical Survey
5. Surface Artefact Mapping (Field-walking) 

Desktop Survey - Standard archives and published references are examined thoroughly, such as the National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE), Historic Environment Record (HER), journal articles, site reports, aerial pictures, and historic maps.

Airborne Remote Sensing - Archaeology visible in aerial images and via airborne laser scanning is interpreted and mapped, commonly referred to as lidar. This method combines information on buried features, such as crop marks, soil marks, or parch marks, with information on features visible on the surface, such as earthworks and structures.

Analytical Earthwork Survey Exact mapping and investigation of visible archaeological features above ground. This technique is effective in providing precise information on the form and condition of earthwork remnants, as well as establishing temporal relationships between them.

Geophysical Survey The discovery of buried archaeological remnants. A variety of techniques, such as magnetometry, resistivity, and ground-penetrating radar, can be employed to measure different physical properties of the ground. It is critical to select the optimal combination of methods for the investigation site.

Surface Artefact Mapping (Field-walking) Collection and mapping of items found on the ground, as well as research into their distribution patterns. This technique works well in regions where the land has been turned over, such as in agricultural areas.

Processing of Archaeological Findings 

1. Bulk Finds 
2. Small Finds
3. After The Excavation
Processing Bulk Finds

Anything that may be categorised as an 'artifact' and does not require special treatment or conservation is considered a bulk find. This can include pottery, animal bone, glass, worked stone/flint, construction material, nails, charcoal, and shell.

Collection - Bulk findings are collected on-site and placed in a tray, with the context number labeled on it.

Washing - The finds are washed at the finds hut. Metals, glass, and anything too delicate to wash, such as prehistoric pottery or painted plaster, are exceptions. Another exception is charcoal, which is left intact and delivered to specialists.

Drying - The discoveries are left to dry after being washed, and they must be completely dry before any further work can be done on them.

Bagging - All bulk finds are packed separately by context and find types, and bulk finds recording sheets are used to keep track of them. This usually entails weighing and counting each individual item to determine the quantity of each find type present in a certain environment.

Specialists - These are then forwarded to the appropriate experts for additional analysis and interpretation.

Processing Small Finds 

Anything that isn't a bulk find is considered a minor find, sometimes also called registered finds. Small findings typically have different conservation requirements, especially metals, but they can also be categorized as such due to their special value to the site or context.

Numbering - The first thing to do when a tiny find is discovered on-site is to assign it a unique small finds number.

On-Site Recording - The small find must be 3-D recorded, which means obtaining the levels and coordinates of the location where it was discovered.

Finds Hut Recording - Other facts, such as weight and measurements, are documented in the individual Small Discoveries Recording Sheets kept in the finds hut.

Bagging / Boxing - Those finds that can be washed are cleaned separately from the bulk finds in the finds hut, then bagged or packed.

Conservation / Specialists - The small finds are grouped by material type and then handed to the relevant conservation or finds specialist for further analysis.

After The Excavation 

Once artifacts are carefully removed from the excavation site, they find their temporary home in custom-made cardboard boxes specifically designed to meet the requirements of the future museum display. While there are exceptions, such as metals often stored in plastic containers, decisions regarding storage materials are typically left to the discretion of the museum's archive and conservation team. The meticulous process involves separating the findings by material type, ensuring that each box is labeled for easy identification by future researchers. Depending on the nature of the project, artifacts may be directly forwarded to experts for further analysis before finding their permanent residence in the museum. This systematic approach, involving the careful categorisation and labeling of pieces, is crucial for the museum's ability to store them in conditions that meet their conservation needs. It marks the final stage in the journey of transferring discoveries from the excavation site to their designated place in the museum.

Archaeological Research Analysis

1. DNA Sampling
2. Isotopes Mapping

DNA Sampling
Teeth and bones, as the most environmentally resistant human tissues, can endure for millennia even after the soft tissues have vanished. Being biological tissues, bones and teeth contain cells from which DNA can be extracted. The sampling approach varies based on the skeleton's age and the degree of environmental damage it has endured.

Forensic studies indicate that long bones, such as the femur or tibia, store more DNA than skeletal parts with a higher amount of trabecular bone, such as the skull, ribs, or vertebrae. In investigations involving much older or highly degraded samples, more diagenetically resistant tissues like dental cementum, dental dentin, and the petrous section of the temporal bone in the skull are targeted.

Research has demonstrated that the quality and quantity of DNA retrieved from these skeletal tissues are several orders of magnitude higher than that recovered from other bones. Although only a small amount of bone/tooth powder (between 10 and 50 mg) is required for DNA extraction, obtaining these amounts often jeopardizes the integrity of the bones. This is because cutting or drilling bone/tooth into parts is frequently necessary for transfer to the lab for analysis.

To mitigate the risk of unwanted loss of skeletal remains, it is essential to employ minimally disruptive sampling techniques.

Isotope Mapping
Atoms form the foundation of all elements, each possessing a nucleus consisting of positively charged protons and neutral neutrons, encircled by a negatively charged ring of electrons. The chemical identity of an element, determined by its atomic number (the number of protons), remains constant across all elements. Isotopes, characterized by the same number of protons but varying numbers of neutrons, come in two main types: radioactive isotopes and stable isotopes.

Radioactive isotopes, like C-14, are valuable for dating archaeological findings due to their unstable nature and degradation over time. In contrast, stable isotopes, exemplified by C-12 and C-13, remain constant and find diverse applications in archaeology. Isotopes are omnipresent in our environment, with varying ratios in different elements and ecosystems, such as dietary habits and climate zones. Archaeologists utilise isotope analysis in bones and teeth to glean insights into individuals' diets and the environmental conditions in which they lived.


Future Learn - Online Course On Archaeology 

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